Thursday, December 1, 2011

’12 Recruits Seniors wrap up their last seasons at DHS, ready to play next year

By Kylie Maier

Four years of running laps and sprinting drills have finally paid off for several DHS seniors.  As the senior class anxiously waits to hear back from their favorite colleges, these senior athletes are lucky enough to already know what colors they will be repping next year.

Brynn Gasparino- UC Berkeley
Galen Rohn - Brown University
Tony Britton - Cornell University
Case Matheis - Duke University
Tim Murphy - Gettsyburg College
Emily Tropsa - Gettsyburg College
Charlett Stevenson - University of Richmond
John Magnusson - University of Richmond

*This is not a complete list of recruited seniors.

 Photo: Case Matheis, a Duke lacrosse recruit.

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