Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hover Craft Broom to Change the Face of Quidditch

-By: Nic Correa-

Following recent development in Hovercraft technology, avid Harry Potter reading scientists have finally made the hover-broom, paving the way towards real Quidditch in the country. While Quidditch clubs have so far had to pay fees to sponsor wizards to enchant ordinary brooms into flying, with the invention of a special material, too top secret to reveal its nature, now levitating brooms are a possibility. By replacing the cleaning end of the broom with this sophisticated polymer now the height the broom floats can be changed by actually tilting up and down, instead of earlier contraptions such as broom-helicopter hybrids. Quidditch director Sean Otterspoor was slightly hesitant towards the product. "There is some concern among Quidditch purists that the use of these 'Muggle contraptions' will ruin the beauty of the sport." he states, "however I feel that the hover technology will reduce our reliance on the wizarding community and their rather high fees for maintaining the enchantments on our equipment." Sports directors everywhere are deciding on whether to include the so far fictional sport in next year’s sports options, and whether it the game should be changed a little so that students are not actually a dangerous 100ft above the ground.

.....April Fools!!!

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